Little Bao turned 10! And we threw a block party to celebrate a decade of original Baos. A Sunday afternoon packed with Baos, drinks, music and fun-filled activities, DJ sets by @fabsabshk, DJ @the_reflex, DJ Blackjack, @benkubenku and live cake painting by @cathloverosatwo. And just for the occasion, we gave out our 10 year limited edition merch to our super Little Bao fans! Because it's not just about the Baos - it's about the incredible people who have made this journey possible.
Little Bao

@littlebaohk was born 10 years ago in a humble food stand on Tong Chong Street market, leaving an indelible mark with its iconic “Original Chinese Bao Burger” that continues today. With its unique blend of tradition and innovation, Little Bao has garnered widespread acclaim and remains an essential destination for food lovers seeking an ingenious blend of east meets west, a tribute to the melting pot that is Hong Kong. At it’s 10th Birthday, let’s hear from Asia’s The World's 50 Best female chef @chefmaychow, the powerhouse behind our Baos.
Little Bao十歲啦!10年前,Little Bao以標誌性的”原創中式漢堡”概念橫空而出,喺糖廠街-社區美食市集上一個樸素嘅小食攤誕生,為香港留低咗深刻嘅印記。10年以來,我哋一直堅持融合與創新,一路以嚟努力贏取廣泛讚譽,並逐漸成為中西合璧美食的代名詞,世界各地食客嚟香港嘅不二之選,更加係我哋對香港這個文化熔爐嘅致敬。喺小包包十歲生日之際,一齊嚟睇睇主厨May,有啲乜嘢想同我哋分享啦。